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Friday, December 16, 2011


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shockwave yareach

See if you can get a fox stole in there :)

Nebulosus Severine

Re: Fox stole - Nebulosus Severine likes this.


I've been reading a lot about how developers are "failing" female gamers, and … without meaning to offend, I'd like to offer a suggestion that's usually thrown around in open source projects when someone points out a problem:

"Why don't you go ahead and fix it?"

There are lots of female developers out there. My compsci class was almost half female (although this is in Soviet Canuckistan - maybe female coders are more prevalent up here). One would assume that female developers would know what female gamers want?

And if that's the case, then "Why don't they go ahead and fix it?" … sure, it costs a metric crapload of money to produce a game these days - but that's big-scale stuff. Why aren't there more indie games *by* female developers that target female gamers? If they're good (eg: lots of sales), they'll get picked up by a big publisher and get a bigger voice.

Contrary to what seems to be popular belief, I don't see it as the responsibility of male game developers to make games that appeal to both sexes - in the same way that I don't see it as the responsibility of an artist to draw something that everyone likes. Make the game that you want to make, with the characters that you want in it. If someone else doesn't like it, they're free to make their own.

The majority of tools to build games are now free. So if you're a techincally adept female gamer (or a male gamer for that matter) & you dislike what you see, then do something about it & create something interesting. If you aren't a coder, pick up a book and learn. Or form a group on meetup.com, or a sourceforge or github project, and *recruit* technically-capable people.

Make it happen.


This isn't exactly right for one main reason: it's just as hard in this game to make a male avatar look like you as it is with a female one. The thinnest body type is still (upsettingly) far more muscly than me and the heads too square-jawed no matter what you do.

Even if you try and make it look as normal as possible you'll end up with a small headed, thin bodied man with a neck the size of a giant redwood.

Oh... and the clothes are all either suits or 'gansta' hoodies. There's no middle ground. Long story short: it's nothing to do with gender.

Arcadia Codesmith

I haven't played Saint's Row. But many games miss the "golden mean" of allowing you to be feminine without being blantant eye candy.

The gender of the designer is irrelevant. There are plenty of male designers out there who have an eye for that fairly extensive territory bbetween "stripper" and "one of the guys".

Conversely, being a female designer doesn't give you magical genetic insight into what your audience wants and needs. You still have to do your homework and understand your whole player base, not just the ones who share your sense of style and taste.

I think Iris is spot on.


As of right now, I think Eve Online hit the gold with their avatar creation. It allows female gamers to create an avatar in any style they want from plain to gorgeous and all shades in between.

The rest of the popular games are stuck in sexist fantasy land. And developers of any sex must cater to the whole market because if they don't they cut their profitability by 50%. There are a lot of women gaming out there and spending their extra money on games. Its long past the time to ignore all of us.

SWTOR has a lot to offer female gamers and I'm happy about that. The one little misstep was due to cutting back costs on movement capture. They seemed to use generic movements on both female and male avatars. But the movements almost always wind up looking more masculine. Women generally don't step into personal space of others or wave their arms in another person's face. It looks awkward at times. But generally that is just a small problem in an otherwise good game.



Can you please send me the information to create this face?

[email protected]

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