Two great news items for supporters of SL art: Peter Greenaway, the acclaimed British director of The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover with Helen Mirren, and The Pillow Book with Ewan McGregor, has donated 6 months worth of sim tier in a new crowdfunder to re-open Immersiva, the SL art installation by Toronto artist Bryn Oh, who recently lost her patron, and had to close the sim. Greenaway, who's been a longtime supporter of SL art, has this to say about Bryn Oh:
"In the exciting new arena of immersive Art which offers so much to the future of communications, Bryn Oh is an important, fascinating and innovative pioneer and should definitely be supported." - Peter Greenaway
Who can resist a plea like that? Click here to contribute to the Immersiva crowdfunder, which offers a number of benefits beyond the supporting metaverse-based arts and Bryn Oh in particular: For example, $100 gets you one of five of Bryn's SL sculptures and the private use of Immersiva on your rez day, while $500 gets you a real life pen-and-ink drawing by Bryn Oh's corporeal hand. So once again, click here for the crowdfunder.
Great news for one sim but it won't save the other 30,000. Something has to give.
Marketplace and Linden Homes combined have killed off the ways sims traditionally supported themselves inworld - with rentals, and there does not appear to be any other avenues open.
At best, sims might want to consider renting 'signboards' that link to merchant Marketplace shops... but how many of those can you viably rent out?
Posted by: Pussycat Catnap | Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 02:37 PM
You have to wonder if the cognitive dissonance is even felt by Rod and others of similar power when they're making plans to expand Marketplace and Premium/Linden Homes while watching region counts bleed off.
Newsflash: a whole lot of sims afford portions of their overpriced tier through leasing out land for shops and residentials. If you, Linden Lab, are facilitating shops and residentials, you're competing with your tier payers.
Posted by: Ezra | Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 02:47 PM
Crowdfunders are a good option, but there are wider issues that need addressing and Linden Lab need to address them.
Posted by: Ciaran Laval | Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 03:29 PM
@Ezra: I'm convinced that one branch of LLs has basically hired a 'virtual contract killer' to wipe out the other branch... ;)
- At least in a business sense.
Its gone beyond left hand not knowing what right hand is doing to one hand holding an axe and swinging it at the other...
Posted by: Pussycat Catnap | Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 03:58 PM
Great News, and let's not miss the point here.
THIS ISN'T JUST ANOTHER SIM! There, I've said it.
The world of immersive virtual art is relatively new. Developments of how to make and what to do in this new medium, are now being discovered and developed for the first time.
I feel it is safe to say that Bryn Oh is one of the undisputed cutting edge artists working in this new medium. A medium of viewing art from the INSIDE of itself. A medium where imagination pushes the limits of the ever improving technology.
SO, it is important that we support this art, and with that support, spread the experience to more people and artists, in order to further this art form. Immersive virtual art, though small and relatively unknown in the bigger picture at this time, will someday be ubiquitous and widespread.
I applaud Mr. Greenaway and others who are willing to support this burgeoning NEW art form.
my two cents....
Posted by: Scarp Godenot | Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 04:09 PM
Great news. Even I should be able to scrounge a donation up within 6 months.
Posted by: Ann Otoole InSL | Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 04:20 PM
Important info missing: this project has a ticking clock! Just 60 days to show your support so please don't wait!
Posted by: Rowan Derryth | Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 04:36 PM
Very nice, more sims should do that when they are in trouble.
I wish someone saved the AM Radio sims!
Posted by: jo yardley | Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 05:25 PM
crud. only 60 days to indefinitely fund Immersiva. Impossible task. Crowdfunding site needs work to support indefinite funding.
Posted by: Ann Otoole InSL | Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 05:57 PM
"I wish someone saved the AM Radio sims!"
Someone saved one of them. AM Radio licensed his "The Far Away" installation under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States license.
There’s a downloadable OAR file of the entire region here:
So, at least this particular work will never die. Not as long as a thousand OARs can take root across the world and bloom...
Posted by: Pathfinder | Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 06:39 PM
It is great that people who can afford take reponsibility for the existance of the great works that some SL artists have offered the world. It is important to safe sims like these.
LL would do very wise to open an cultural heritage program for these kind of amazing virtual art works.
Indeed AM Radio also deserves a place in this program as much as Bryan Oh.
Posted by: Madeliefste Oh | Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 08:28 PM
like how ppl who backed the work of qarl fizz it shows that as a people we beginning to break with our cultural past. we starting to abandon our belief that our gods must provide for all our needs and desires
this is a good thing so \o/ to peter greenaway and all the other ppl who leading us in this way
Posted by: elizabeth (16) | Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 09:09 PM
I contributed small, but contributed. Hope that Greenaway's contribution will help spread the word and permit a fast and successfull crowdfunding.
For now 9 funders, and two of them alone funded 3000$ (Greenawy 2000 and Sely Evans aka Thinkerer Melville 1000) of the 5 400 goal.
Posted by: DD Ra | Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at 02:43 AM
I'm starting to think that the ideal funding source for a virtual world would be a trust-fund sort of arrangement, where a large block of capital is sequestered and operational and R&D costs for the world are covered by interest/dividends.
Once the real-world cost of keeping the servers up and the developers paid is taken care of, they could focus on the needs and desires of the residents rather than the distortions and straitjackets of monetizing them.
I don't think it's realistic for Second Life in its current form... but I do think that something along these lines is necessary for the evolution of virtual worlds beyond purely commercial concerns.
Posted by: Arcadia Codesmith | Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at 07:42 AM
Congrats Bryn and nice one Peter! :D
Posted by: Dizzy Banjo | Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at 07:47 AM
"like how ppl who backed the work of qarl fizz it shows that as a people we beginning to break with our cultural past. we starting to abandon our belief that our gods must provide for all our needs and desires"
All of this crowdfunding is only justified in a world where LLs is not allowed to take a profit or even fee off of SL.
If they're making money from it, they need to provide it.
The money some people paid to Qarl is not justified - in the sense that LLs will reap the benefit of that money more than those who actually paid it.
As for crowdfunding private sims, what is going on here. That's a different issue. But its not viable for the vast majority of sims, and frankly, popular though it may be with some; this -IS- just another sim.
Without viable means for sims and venues to self-fund themselves from within SL, SL is dead.
Posted by: Pussycat Catnap | Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at 08:54 AM
I will much more like to see works ported to Os grid, or any other open sim Hypergrid
Linden Lab needs to know that there are a limit to where any can bleed and still enjoy it! (Vampires is not the main reason to join Sl???)
So urge all to try Os grid!
The more there, the more will start working on it to improve and make it as good or way better then any that the Alb can offer us!
Posted by: foneco zuzu | Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at 10:43 AM
"I will much more like to see works ported to Os grid"
As much as I put blame for a lot of this on shortsighted merchants moving to Marketplace... the failure of OSGrid is also tied to the failure of those same merchants to embrace it.
There's not as much point to going to Inworldz and elsewhere when top avatar makers refuse to make their works available there. If you're white, and want a white human avatar, you can find a home on these places - but with less options for clothing and home decoration. But if you're not white, or have a non-human avatar; your choices look a bit like a return to 2006.
And the limitation of Viewer 1 tools only is severely constraining... No mesh, alpha layers, avatar physics, tattoo layers, profile interests, antiquated search, etc...
Posted by: Pussycat Catnap | Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at 12:22 PM
5,584$ with 26 funders in one day only for a 5400$ in 60 days goal !
Whoot !
Posted by: DD Ra | Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at 03:18 PM
is about breaking with the past pussycat. the sooner we can break away from the company must provide all and we do stuff for ourselfs then i think is better. not just for sl but for the whole metaverse
like scarp said. is not just another sim. is an artistic experience. an experience that ppl are prepared to support themselfs. the sim itself is incidental to the experience. is just the venue
linden already provide a art gallery venue for artists thru lea programme. lots of top artists exhibit there. also lea provide a way for new artists to come to our attention. that a good thing. so is not like linden not doing anything
if we want to preserve some them as permanent works tho then have to find other ways to fund the costs of the venue. cant just keep asking linden to pay for them all, or somehow make a world where is a guarantee that can always make money to support urself and ur art
benefactor crowdfund effort is one of those other ways. selling stuff is another way. like selling stuff, crowdfunding is not the answer for every works, just some. some that ppl prepared to support bc it move them in some way
altogether is like the renaissance period really. is very exciting
Posted by: elizabeth (16) | Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at 04:05 PM
is about breaking with the past pussycat. the sooner we can break away from the company must provide all and we do stuff for ourselfs then i think is better. not just for sl but for the whole metaverse
like scarp said. is not just another sim. is an artistic experience. an experience that ppl are prepared to support themselfs. the sim itself is incidental to the experience. is just the venue
linden already provide a art gallery venue for artists thru lea programme. lots of top artists exhibit there. also lea provide a way for new artists to come to our attention. that a good thing. so is not like linden not doing anything
if we want to preserve some them as permanent works tho then have to find other ways to fund the costs of the venue. cant just keep asking linden to pay for them all, or somehow make a world where is a guarantee that can always make money to support urself and ur art
benefactor crowdfund effort is one of those other ways. selling stuff is another way. like selling stuff, crowdfunding is not the answer for every works, just some. some that ppl prepared to support bc it move them in some way
altogether is like the renaissance period really. is very exciting
Posted by: elizabeth (16) | Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at 04:05 PM