Click here to visit the beautiful Second Life regions of Chouchou, from the acclaimed Japanese SL-only music combo. Click here for info on getting the full immersive experience, because it has some custom environmental settings, such as a gradually changing sky. The sims were gone from SL for a time, but with the coming of Chouchou's new album, the regions returned last month. Though it came back to SL weeks ago, I was inspired to note this after reader Emerald Wynn asked me, "Hamlet, could you please start a feature called 'Sim Birthwatch' about new sims? Just to counter the sad morbidity of [Sim Deathwatch]?" I'm not sure there's enough new sims to justify a feature like that, but as Chouchou shows, when a beloved sim leaves SL, sometimes it does come back.
Thanks to reader Ray W for the tip!
Glad to hear this. Chou Chou's original sim was the first of it's kind to go extremely sparse and contemplative.
I'll be visiting soon....
Posted by: Scarp Godenot | Wednesday, February 15, 2012 at 04:01 PM