Hangars Liquides is a dystopian city in Second Life created by Djehan Kidd; recently opened to cyberpunk roleplay, it's full of deep and horrible industrial beauty. Watch the eyeball-frying trailer:
Click here for a direct teleport to the city, and visit the official site here. There's some interesting background to the design of this dystopian future city: It was inspired by the real life city of São Paulo, Brazil, where Djehan Kidd used to live:
When you're there, he told me, "[Y]ou realize many of the buildings are slum highrises." He sent along a pic of this megalithic building at left, as a source of inspiration. "It's a battle in between the poor and the rich, the poor surround some buildings and everyone has to leave and they start to occupy them illegaly. The concrete jungle, usually heavy tropical rain once a day and a very very sweet temperature all year long...." That experience took on a new form in digital 3D, in Hangars Liquides, the wonderful work of a young Brazilian who now recalls the words of SL's founder, when he talked about the kind of content creators he wanted to see in Second Life:
"I was pleased to see Philip Rosedale mention he'd rather hire a poor kid from Brasil rather than a Stanford graduate," Djehan Kidd tells me, chuckling. "It's true!"
São Paulo photo credit: Joannis Mihail Mouda.
Hangars Liquides is not new. It has been in SL for years.
Posted by: Masami Kuramoto | Thursday, March 01, 2012 at 02:08 PM
You're right, but it recently officially opened to roleplay -- corrected post to make that distinction.
Posted by: Hamlet Au | Thursday, March 01, 2012 at 02:22 PM
I am liking the epic machinima http://youtu.be/3g6aYiQxbFI
Posted by: Graham Mills | Thursday, March 01, 2012 at 02:31 PM
I blogged about Hangars Liquides in April 2008. I should make a trip back to see what has changed.
Posted by: Chestnut Rau | Thursday, March 01, 2012 at 03:23 PM
It has been rebuilded and reconstructed many times. It's still a little difficult to to orientate oneself, because it's so damn dark but I love it. I do like to point out, that Djehan is a woman. Not only guys with such a talent are into cyberpunk and electronica.
Posted by: Trin Trevellion | Friday, March 02, 2012 at 03:41 AM
Hangars has actually lots of new squares/hangouts/spots, since Djehan Kidd never stops building. The city has now tp terminals, so it's easy to tour. The new China Square has also been built By Djehan, which borders Hangars and connects to Aston Leisen China Bamboo Ink.
Posted by: Lawrence Celestalis | Saturday, March 03, 2012 at 06:55 AM