Excellent news for many reasons: The Tinies of Raglan Shire Kickstarter, a crowdfunding drive to bring the popular tinies avatars of Second Life to a much wider, mass market audience, has just been funded. With 15 days to go, over a hundred donors pledged $8500 to fund production costs that will (hopefully) take the tinies of Wynx Whiplash and Zayn Till's company Jazz Paws to another level. (Hear their interview on the BBC here.) Great for Wynx and Zayn and their many fans, and also great for all the other popular SL brand owners interested in launching crowdfunders of their own. The virtual art of Bryn Oh crowdfunded $6000 to cover tier fees earlier this year, which is also awesome (especially for Linden Lab, since they'll get that money), though I tend to think Jazz Paws offers an even better model: Think about how a crowdfunder might expand your brand and IP above and beyond Second Life, where it can find a broader audience and new markets.
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Posted by: Damien Fate | Thursday, March 22, 2012 at 12:04 PM
Thanks to all the folks who have been so encouraging and positive with pledges of $$$ or with help in spreading the word, seriously it's just been amazing to see. We appreciate it beyond words and would remind folks that there's still 2 weeks to let others know about our Kickstarter campaign before it closes. Anything beyond our target goal will be absolutely used to quicken our timeline and help us realize our ultimate goal.
Posted by: Zayn Till | Thursday, March 22, 2012 at 12:12 PM
That is soooo amazing!!! Congrats zayn and wynx!!!
Posted by: Catten | Thursday, March 22, 2012 at 12:43 PM