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Tuesday, April 24, 2012


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Rod gave insight into what the top 3 activities in Second Life were in that gameindustry.biz interview a month back:

"At present, creation is the third most popular activity behind socialising and listening to music in the various bars and nightclubs - contrary to popular belief, Second Life isn't just one big virtual orgy."


Well, those weren't Rod's words, but presumably that's what he told them. Sounds right to me that chatting, music listening and creating things are ahead of bumping pose balls.


SL is:

29% Porn
30% Hair
20% Snark
20% Drama
01% Bukkake Bliss

And what DO we talk about, kids?

Pussycat Catnap

B Bliss is one spot among the many pron spots. The top one though, so likely notably more than 1%.

And I guess Ham's just cleared himself of being accused of being a visitor to the SL pron sites - if he still thinks it takes more than 1 person. :D

I did a stint in that scene when I was newer to SL and thought it was funny as heck. You can go and just observe - which is always a sizeable portion of the folks in a place. Or you can just hit a random poseball and wait for someone to hit the matching set(s)...
- Much of it is tailored up to require as little communication between the participants as possible.
As long as one set of poses are getting use in a public spot somewhere in the place - the entertainment for the rest of the visitors is being provided. And anyone on the poses with IM'd not disabled quickly learns that 'observing', with commentary, is exactly all many there desire.

My problem with the scene came about when I realized others were not there for cartoon comedy (see note about IMs above). So I got out. And its not exactly in line with how I see myself these days.

A quick look at green dots on the grid implies to me that the 30% more than likely does hold for SL. But 30% is still less than a third.

Now that I reside on Zindra again, I can see anytime I open the map that this stuff is VERY popular.

Its a very big scene, but that doesn't mean its the only scene. But I'm not going to start making calls on how popular I think this or that other scene might be.

In SL's search system, A-rated content is by far the easiest to find, and one you land in it, its the most well interconnected. You can easily go from place to place through a variety of scenes and themes, and not have trouble finding something new that still has people in it.
- Other themes are often more self-contained and isolated within a more narrow subset of their theme.

Metacam Oh

i came across a porn shot in Second Life while doing some uhhh research


Hey People - Porn sells. If the lab is ignoring a big and enthusiastic market like porn, then they must have rocks in their proverbials. Ain't nothing wrong with a bit of marketing aimed below the waistline, if it just might pay 30% of your bills. Bet it pays better than vampires anyhow.

Arcadia Codesmith

One person's "porn" is another's performance art or collaborative erotic poetry.

I think it's a waste of breath to deny or minimize Second Life's "adult" side. Accept it, embrace it, celebrate it, and work to improve it -- if we're going to have virtual "porn", we should have top-quality virtual "porn".

The broader culture may fixate on our pixel kink, but that's what the broader culture does in almost any context. It's drawn in by the scandalous because, frankly, the broader culture isn't getting enough in real life and it's frustrated as hell.

At any rate, it's not a fully-realized "world" unless you can have a symposium on modern trends in philosophical thought competing on the schedule with the mixed doubles freestyle erotic improvisation quarterfinals.

Dave Bell

The other thing is that some "adult" areas are little to do with porn. I know of one dance club which is in an adult-rated region, and I would guess you get about an hour's worth of AV nudity in a week.

foneco zuzu

I doubt any that uses internet does not use at least 30 pct of its time surfing around Porn content!

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