This commercial for Absolut vodka is full of steampunk style and virtual/augmented reality elements, and it sure as hell looks like it was inspired by Second Life. Watch:
It was sent to me by Ms. ColeMarie Soleil, who spotted similarities to this and some of Second Life's greatest user-made content, particularly that made by the metaverse artist known as AM Radio. Specifically, as she enumerates:
"Silver hot rod (a la AM Radio), virtual world, desert location (a la AM Radio sim), weirdos, and ends on a steampunk reference (a la modernized Bryn Oh statues)." Not to mention all the crazy-fab, reality-defying outfits, which fashionistas can no doubt find many similarities to, among SL's top designers.
I have to say it's likely Absolut's ad team has been perusing SL screenshots and machinima for inspiration. Because all else being equal, who the hell says, "Hey, I know how we can get people to buy our vodka -- Show people in weird-ass outfits in the middle of the desert racing robot greyhounds. YES!"
I love the elements lifted from both Second Life and Burning Man. I would guess both may have had a role of inspiring this. Oddly enough, I also felt it was a bit reminiscent of Rollerball and was kind of hoping they would blow up the greyhounds with massive flamethrowers.
Posted by: Pat | Monday, April 30, 2012 at 01:24 PM
I would vote NO in that Absolut was inspired by Second Life in the creation of this ad while voting YES to ColeMarie being inspired by Vodka to suggest similarities.
Posted by: Dirk Talamasca | Monday, April 30, 2012 at 01:26 PM
I'd have to agree with Dirk's assessment.
Posted by: Stephen Venkman | Monday, April 30, 2012 at 01:37 PM
Absolut has always worked with photographers and directors that have experience in the given feel that they're looking for, in any one of their campaigns. They've tended to give a fair of creative license in their projects.
From SL inspiration? No. Utah Salt Flats and races? Yes, spin on something that's been done quite a few times.
Posted by: Dartagan Shepherd | Monday, April 30, 2012 at 02:45 PM
I do notice a woman in the video at 3:15 wearing what appears to be a system skirt... ;)
Posted by: Sans | Monday, April 30, 2012 at 04:10 PM
In all the times I've seen the 30-second TV-commercial version of this one (I've never seen this extended version till now), I hadn't made any SL connection, I mostly read into it a vaguely Tron: Legacy vibe, since in the 30-second commercial, more of it is devoted to the greyhound race... and since the music in the 30-second commercial (and in those same parts of the extended version above) sounds very much like the Daft Punk music from that movie, and the greyhounds seem VERY much like something you'd see in Tron. But yeah, now that you point it out... there's a bit of steampunk in this (greets to New Babbage! :D ), and a lot of Burn2.0 look about it, too.
Posted by: Nathan Adored | Monday, April 30, 2012 at 11:25 PM
Tron, Mad Max... whatever...
Posted by: Moni Duettmann | Tuesday, May 01, 2012 at 03:14 AM
Oh look booze makes you cool and sexy and we can get all the bloggers to viraly advertise it woot woot.
Posted by: Cube Republic | Tuesday, May 01, 2012 at 08:10 AM
SL is just a reflection of what is trending RL. All we see in this add are pieces copied together from 'cool' stuff that is around RL for quite some time. The connection of Lady Gaga with vodka adds is also known.
And with all respect, AM Radio's aesthetic comes 1 to 1 out of the art history book. All he ever did was rebuilding very well known images from RL in SL.
Posted by: Roger | Tuesday, May 01, 2012 at 11:40 AM
Yes indeed I noticed the ad looked a bit like some SL sporting events I've attended. Although if they really wanted to resemble SL with that many people they should add more lag. And isn't it about time Absolut bought themselves a vowel, perhaps an e? After all they do use the word vodka and my inner typist feels something is amiss. In my world, greyhounds are made with gin but that is what makes alternate worlds such a great notion. You can have it any way you like. Cheers!
Posted by: Pernod Brannvin | Wednesday, May 02, 2012 at 05:39 PM
I don't see the connection to SL. At all.
Posted by: Kim | Saturday, May 05, 2012 at 08:14 AM
Hi guys , here is an interesting commercial with asian vampires shooted in Madrid ,hope you like it .
Posted by: Ivan | Friday, September 28, 2012 at 03:04 AM