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Wednesday, May 16, 2012


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JoJa Dhara

I am also truly on top of the virtual world with this app on my samsung galaxy 10.1
I see so many uppertunities indeed when you are on the road you can still be part of an event inworld.
Also as organizer of reallife virtual world events I can easily walk around the room virtual and realmto great and keep an eye.
This is really heavenly. Even though had to create a special avie for it as my oldie has a heavy suitecase to carry with / download.
And yes sorry as a female hope we can soon make a choice or wil automatic have a female siluet.
But realy a heavily app...
Hope and wish all best of luck with development....



I loaded it on my Transformer TF201. No great shakes, but it does run. Great when you can't get inworld on your computer, but not something I would use for everyday fun.

That being said, I'm glad to have it and it's great for when you need inworld but can't otherwise. Props to the Lumiya folks for this!


Can Lumiya be used to access Opensim grids? Or is it just for accessing SL?

Graham Mills

Just SL at the moment.


gpad g10 is a nice pad,but I still want a windows 8 pad

connie Arida

Anyone tried it on the latest Asus EEE Pad with Tegra 3 processor?

Dizzy Banjo

I think this is interesting but I agree that even now in this v low frame per sec prototype stage that video alone illustrates how immersion breaking using a touch screen could be to navigate a virtual space.

Perhaps it might be better to do a virtual d pad type thing.. kinda like Epic Citadel, but even then I think it degrades the core user experience

jdtrue writer

I tried it and it works just like it should. It is not meant to replace or be a full SL client. I could see it being used by many people and if it could do some basic interaction like "touch" I could see people doing things like hitting there fave MM boards on vacation.

I could see me using it to go to Linden office hours to tell them they need to make SL run on more basic computers and bring back last names LOL

jdtrue writer

I have to correct my self it has "Touch" and even "Pay" just not in the 3D view but easy to use so you could hit an MM board now and even pay rent or even buy something.


I managed to get Lumiya to work on my low-end Acer Liquid Express retardo-phone. Logged into SL over my home WiFi connection. It took a while to load up textures. Two things I noticed:
1] My avatar was a grey droid blob the whole time. Does Lumiya download avatar textures, shapes and attachments?
2] Animated textures, glow, lighting and particles seem to be a no-go.

Other than that it's a very useful little app. Definitely an improvement over the Mobile Grid Client.

Recka Wuyts

So, I am thinking, "Next year this time...where will this software be, and the tablets? Be patient. I think. It's coming." Are Tablets the Breakthrough Virtual Worlds Need? Tech Editor Mitch Wagner and Me Debate...."We're almost there."


Samsung Galaxy Tablet is a nice one, thank you for your share. I do like to watch DVD on Galaxy Tab. so I need to convert DVD to Galaxy Tab sometimes.
it is a little borther, do you have any solution?


to bad it isn't a free app. or i would try it out for sure

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