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Friday, July 20, 2012


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shockwave yareach

Ideally, a vendor should have 3 event kiosks prebuilt and ready to go. So you just go to the event, rez your eventStore, tweak the merchandise, and you're done. As frequent as these things are, it's too difficult to build unique each and every single time.

Pussycat Catnap

People need to start running some internal analytics.

If you're selling in every event after event - are you really getting value from that, or would you be better off just hitting a few that are key to your presence?

Chances are, many of these folks are over-promoting themselves. While it might seem like every sale gained is good... at what cost?

More key is maximizing Return on Investment. And that frankly means that if you have branded yourself, a lot of further promotion might be wasted.

The question is not 'how many sales did I get from Event X', but 'how many did I -gain-, that I would not have had, but for that event, and how much did it cost me to gain them?' combined with 'how many will I lose from not going that that I would have had otherwise?'

- And that takes knowing more about the sources of your sales, what drives people to you, away from you, and so on.

I'd wager most of the SL brand could skip out on 1 or 2 out of every 3 events / hunts they're in, and have better profits for it. Some few brands could skip them all, and make more...

And that would leave more time for other things - which is part of how you make more: Putting the time into more worthwhile efforts.

- Set up a small presence in some other grids.
- Diversify a product line.
- Expand a product line.
- Take some relax time (for fun or to renew inspiration).
- Network more.
- Learn more about some of your customers. Better to appeal to them.

If you don't do every last event, you've also go the time to do the ones you do do right.

Saffia Widdershins

The trouble with events is that most make radically different demands of the designer who is submitting, which means that shockwave's concept of having three exhibits all ready to hand sadly fails to work very often.

Many events these days will be carefully landscaped - the booth you are given will fit that theme, and then you have to integrate your kit with that design (or look naff). So you can't just travel around with the same box - or the same three boxes. Reckon to spend an evening for each event doing the decoration. And that's leaving aside the requirement to produce two or three free and original designs.

And while I completely agree with Pussycat that not ALL events, hunts, fairs etc etc will bring in the punters, the difficulty is knowing WHICH to target without detailed market research. Will the Hair Fair bring you more customers than One Voice? Will taking part in a themed Hunt with a good reputation attract more potential customers than a big grid wide hunt? The only way you can find out is ... to suck it and see.

foneco zuzu

To be honest im much more worried when, and its always the case, Linden Lab, not only miss them, but in shoves all changes in users A**S without saying any to nobody or even care (See the path finder mess!).

Kaellynn Rayne

I couldn't agree with you more, Iris. Albeit, I'm not a designer, but I'm a creative person. Creativity takes time and effort. It needs to grow and be nurtured. I've found that these designers who are late, or completely miss the boat on the event, end up with loss of interest from clients, and even worse, a terrible product. I'd rather see a designer very few events and fairs with a great, quality product, than one who just throws a pattern on a template and sets up shop at EVERY event/fair they can.

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