"The 3rd" by Lala Larix is a surreal and beautiful machinima that weaves words from T.S. Eliot's "The Wasteland" with strange or startling images from SL -- watch, watch:
I admire how Larix creates a sense of continuity with recurring images, themes, and words, without relying on a literal interpretation of the Eliot poem.
Larix's machinima, as you likely discerned, is a submission in the University of Western Australia's latest Second Life machinima contest, which I'm helping judge, and centers around the theme, of course, "seek wisdom". Click here to see them all, and share your own favorites in Comments.
A literal interpretation of the Eliot poem.(idzmj0726)
Posted by: Zhang Guang | Thursday, July 26, 2012 at 12:50 AM