Ethnography and Virtual Worlds: A Handbook of Method is a new book from Princeton Press by my pal Tom Boellstorff (author of the acclaimed Coming of Age in Second Life), and three other experts in the academic study of virtual worlds: Bonnie Nardi, Celia Pearce, and T. L. Taylor. Thanks to a media partnership between Princeton and this blog, readers can get a 20% discount on the book: Click here to order it, and then enter the discount code P05169 at checkout. But wait, there's more:
On August 30, 12:30pm SLT, Tom Boellstorff and Celia Pearce will appear in Second Life on the Bowling Green State University virtual campus. [Click here to directly teleport to the event].
More info on the August 30th appearance below, via University of Richmond's Joe Essid, who's helping run the event with the Virtual Worlds Education Roundtable:
- Where: Bowling Green State U campus
- When: 1130-1230 SLT, Thursday, Aug. 30
- Who: Tom Boellstorff, author of Coming of Age in Second Life, Celia Pearce, author of Communities of Play
- Format: Voice Interview in SL by AJ Kelton, Director of Emerging & Instructional Technology at Montclair State University, in an event hosted by the Virtual Worlds Education Roundtable. Arrive early to be guaranteed spot on the sim.
- After the interview, Boellstorff and Pearce will take questions from the audience via Google Moderator, and they will discuss data collection and ethnography in virtual worlds and multiplayer games.
Thanks so much for this shoutout! This book was so much fun to write and we're really looking forward to the discussion.
Posted by: Tom Boellstorff | Monday, August 27, 2012 at 02:37 PM
I've had experience of researchers in SL, and, OK, they were students, but I couldn't help feeling that their teachers had chucked them in at the deep end.
I can see how SL can be a learning experience. it can be useful for students without any significant research coming out, but I hope this book sorts out the teachers.
Posted by: Dave Bell | Monday, August 27, 2012 at 11:02 PM