In this episode of The Nerdist podcast from 2010 which I only just stumbled across now, comedian Drew Carey talks about his Second Life: The many sims he owns, the virtual drugs he's taken, the strange avatars he's seen, and so on and so forth. It's old news that Carey is an SL user (he started raving about it as far back as 2008, when he appeared in-world for an episode of Reason TV, and has mentioned the SL steampunk and virtual Vietnam memorial he admired there), but as far as I know, this podcast is the longest public discussion by Carey of Second Life as he personally experiences it. Wonder if he still goes in-world (a question I'm going to Tweet him right now). In any case, it's full of fun, so enjoy.
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Has that Squirrel lady looked him up again? :D
Posted by: shockwave yareach | Tuesday, October 16, 2012 at 12:36 PM