Iris Ophelia's ongoing review of gaming and virtual world style
Lately I've been trying to highlight more and more of the style and talent in the SL fashion blogging and photography community, but I'll admit there's been a pretty big gap in my coverage. I've only ever addressed furry fashion a handful of times (if that) in the years that I've been writing on New World Notes, and it's definitely not because there's no one to talk about. It's a pretty big oversight, considering the popularity of furs in SL.
Believe it or not I'm actually a fan of one furry fashion blog in particular, Cover my Furry Butt, which is managed by Ria and Viticus Goff. Even if you're not into the fur scene yourself, there's still a lot to appreciate about this blog. Here's what I mean:
Cover My Furry Butt is a blog that splits itself between male, female, and unisex content, so no one is really getting left out. Viticus is also one of the most put-together male avatars on the grid. He layers, he accessorizes, and he has a pretty solid sense of personal style, so it shouldn't be surprising that I'd recommend this blog to even human male fashionistas for style inspiration. There's a lot more overlap than you might think.
Every furry avatar is a little different in terms of which clothes will work on it and which clothes won't. Some can wear most of the same clothes as a human avatar (even layer or mesh-based items) and some require a lot of specially fitted gear. Viticus and Ria show off a bit of both. They also change their avatars very frequently, so they're not just showcasing items that will suit one specific avatar at the expense of others. They do deal with a lot of popular avatars, so just about every furry should be able to find quite a few posts that speak to their own style needs.
Whether you're a furry fashionista or just an open-minded one, I think this blog has something to offer you. Be sure to check it out this weekend -- and if you have a favourite furry fashion blog of your own, share it with me in the comments below!
TweetIris Ophelia (Janine Hawkins IRL) has been featured in the New York Times and has spoken about SL-based design at the Fashion Institute of Technology in Manhattan and with pop culture/fashion maven Johanna Blakley.
As a human avatar I've accidentally worn some furry pants before. Felt a breeze.
Posted by: Adeon Writer | Friday, October 12, 2012 at 12:44 PM
The most common "issue" with furry avatars not being able to wear "human" clothing is pants. Some avatars have Digitgrade legs, created by a set of prims to turn the regular legs invisible and replace them with prim legs. Since the pants are mapped onto the legs that are made invisible, pants disappear below the knee. Not all furry avatars are Digitgrade and most folks know how to not wear the legs if they want regular pants to work correctly.
So if you see a furry and he's got detailed legs but is only wearing shorts, you now know why.
Posted by: shockwave yareach | Friday, October 12, 2012 at 01:12 PM
Even without the digitigrade legs,there can be problems getting pants to work with non-human feet.
Posted by: Dave Bell | Sunday, October 14, 2012 at 07:49 AM
Holy crap! Thanks very much for the great review!! I didn't see this until now! We appreciate your kind words very much!
As for the pants and digi legs... There really is no issue at all. Most furry makers give you extra feet to wear without the legs, or you can buy them. Now with mesh you have it even easier! Just don't wear the legs and wear the pants! I just so happen to enjoy my digi legs so I like wearing shorts.. plus there are not that many digi pant makers out there (hinty hint hint)
We enjoy finding clothing made for human avis and making them fit us, most of the clothing on the site is non furry shops!
Thanks again!!!!
Vit n' Ria!
Posted by: Viticus Goff | Monday, November 19, 2012 at 12:02 AM