Here's the top seven NWN posts I most enjoyed writing and publishing last year -- I hope you enjoy reading them too:
- We're Not Ready for an Era Where People Prefer Virtual Experiences to Real Ones -- But That Era Seems to Be Here
- Second Life Users' Tolerance of SL's Technical Troubles Helps Stymie SL's Growth -- Here's Why
- Facebook Didn't "Kill" Virtual Worlds, But It Did Show Their Shortcomings (Then Again, the Opposite's Also True)
- Myst Co-Creator Rand Miller Thinks Worlds Like Second Life & Uru Live Have a Future on Tablets
- Second Life is Not the Metaverse -- But That's Not What It Was First Invented to Be
- Neal Stephenson Talks CLANG! The Game, The Stories That Inspired It, and Why He's Funding it With Kickstarter
- Dishonored's End: Harvey Smith & Raphael Colantonio on Designing a Game That Changes Based on Player Behavior
Orca, Hamlet does need to "pay the bills" he needs page views, in case you haven't noticed, SL is a dying platform. Kids watching other kids play minecraft gets more attention than anything SL does. Hell people tapping their nails on youtube for 10 minutes get more page views than an SL video.
Posted by: Metacam Oh | Sunday, January 06, 2013 at 09:41 AM
Orca, how much a year would you be willing to pay to read more SL-focused coverage on NWN?
Posted by: Hamlet Au | Sunday, January 06, 2013 at 03:20 PM
If there was a daily newspaper for virtual worlds coverage that was solidly news (not tabloid stuff or product reviews/showcases), a whole issue each day with various sections and all that, I'd pay typical daily newspaper subscription rates.
Posted by: Kim Anubis | Monday, January 07, 2013 at 01:29 PM
Btw, although I haven't always agreed with Hamlet, I've found his blog worth reading pretty much daily for years. It's funny as heck to see someone who comes here for news from the land frequently referred to as not-RL telling Hamlet his job isn't real. Which is more real: a prim, or an article about a prim? Anyway, there are valid criticisms you could make about NWN, but accusing Hamlet of not having a "real job" isn't one of them.
Posted by: Kim Anubis | Monday, January 07, 2013 at 01:42 PM
@ Hamlet: sorry to say but I'm not willing to pay anything for publications on the net. SL or RL.
Apart from that, as Metacam noticed, SL is a dying world, so there are not enough stories in it for a whole publication on a professional level. The other grids are even smaller, so less material to report about. But is that a reason to stray away and report about unrelated stuff like games (uargs) or Kickstarter projects (double uargs) just to save the publicaton that goes by the name of Virtual World News?
@ Kim: well, I check NWN daily, it's in my link collection. But I rarely click on it after seeing the headlines about some technical stuff (like those VR goggles), gaming stuff (i.e. Skyrim) or business stuff (i.e. Kickstarter).
Anyway, what is so funny about an SL resident telling a blog writer that their job isn't real? I dabble with a blog as well, trying to post at least once a day, often exceeding by posting up to 4 stories/day ... I'd never call what I do work or a job.
Have you ever considered what Pixeleen Mistral and her guys over at the Alphaville Herald are doing a job? Or the editors and writers of countless other SL publications? SCD anyone? Those bichies are doing a job?
Posted by: Orca Flotta | Thursday, January 10, 2013 at 06:21 PM