The Empress and Hierophant sim, one of Second Life's most beautiful private islands, is now up for sale -- below retail price! -- by its owners, two artists who go by the avatar names Alchemy and Immortalis Cyannis, who will remove it from the grid if they can't find a buyer. I wrote about this starkly evocative place back in 2009, and it remains a milestone of great content creation in Second Life. The creators say they plan to remain in SL, but will focus on making and selling 3D items through their Alchemy Immortalis brand. Unlike Japan Chubu/Kansai, which recently went away, Empress and Hierophant comes with rental cottages, so it seems feasible that this island could sustain itself through SL renters who want a place on the blasted heath by the silvery sea. That's still a risky business, but I hope someone's willing to give it a try. Go here to check it out.
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