I had a feeling we'd see dio rooms like this soon, but this came up even faster than I expected: an interactive experience created with Second Life screenshots, aptly called A Second Life:
Created by SL blogger Inara Pey, it's a network of over a dozen connected screenshots built around and describing the features of a single sim. Linden Lab CEO Rod Humble ("Wow this is great!"), among many others have already posted accolades in the room's comment thread. (And I love that dio rooms have comment threads running along the side.) This is just one of many SL-themed dio rooms to pop up since the platform launched a couple days ago, by the way, but it seems to be the most detailed and interactive by far. (Most the rest are pretty much placeholders.) Next step (and someone tell me if they're doing this now): A Myst-like game made in dio, using Second Life content. That could seriously rock, don't you think?
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Devs Like Linden Lab Must Go Mobile or Die -- Here's Why
Linden Lab's purchase of iPad-based game Blocksworld last week brought up an interesting conversation about the future of mobile in relation to the metaverse, which NWN reader Joe "Iggy" Essid captured succintly in this comment I want to highlight below. To bolster what he says, take a look at the infographic above, presented by top mobile analytics firm Flurry a few weeks ago: Consumer time spent web browsing (mostly on laptops and desktops) has remained flat for the last three years, while mobile app usage has nearly doubled. Just as interesting if not moreso: Mobile app usage is even starting to compete with television viewing, which has also remained flat.
Now let's get the take from Essid, who's a college educator, and makes a prediction in five parts:
"Tablets as hype? Perhaps for serious gamers and SL's heaviest users. It's not the best place for the sort of experience they crave. Here's my prediction, based on what I see on campuses. (Though whether LL's purchase of companies doing things that 100 others do is another matter):
"#1: Phones and tablets will continue to increase in power. Their killer app is what Sherry Turkle from MIT calls 'always on, always on you' convenience. Phones may simply get strong enough to replace tablets.
"#2: Telcos, following Verizon's lead, will stop laying fiber optic lines. They will instead move to wireless broadband, as Verizon is doing.
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Posted on Monday, January 28, 2013 at 02:00 PM in Comment of the Week, Linden Lab News & Analysis, New World Gaming | Permalink | Comments (26) | TrackBack (0)