Click here to teleport to The Arrival, which is the latest SL installation of heralded virtual artist Rose Borchovski (the avatar of acclaimed multimedia artist Saskia Boddeke). Best not to reveal too much before you see it, but the Linden Endowment for the Arts blog has a long write-up of the show here.
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The Susa Bubbles have caught a fish, and while they admire how big it is, the fish dies. They wonder if they are to blame.
LOL/ welcome to Second Life/Linden Lab
Posted by: joker | Saturday, January 12, 2013 at 11:36 AM
The write-up at the LEA blog doesn't reveal much, and the text 'explanations' were provided by Rose, so no harm in clicking through. But certainly everyone should GO!
Posted by: Rowan Derryth | Saturday, January 12, 2013 at 08:10 PM
Hamlet should go too. He hasn't been inworld since December 26th. "Best not to reveal too much before you see it" pffft!
Posted by: Ziki Questi | Saturday, January 12, 2013 at 08:15 PM