Iris Ophelia's ongoing review of gaming and virtual world style
Whether or not you appreciate the voxel aesthetic of Minecraft, Mojang's wildly popular gathering/building game, it's undeniable that there is a tremendous amount of amazing work being produced by its community. Between builds, mods, and texture packs, there's no shortage of amazing creative work going on in this building-block world. Case in point: MrShortee's BladeCraft, a combination map and texture pack designed to recreate the world of Ridley Scott's Blade Runner. What almost as impressive as the textures and the map are the machinima that MrShortee's made to advertise them, which capture the atmosphere of their source amazingly well. Check 'em out:
That's the latest, but the previous version (shown below) is no joke either.
These mods are a massive departure from Minecraft's colorful and pixellated default look. While most hardcore Minecrafters have a favorite texture pack (mine is Loafcraft, if you're curious), what's particularly neat about these more conceptual packs is how creative they are with the objects available in the game. Everything from flowers to diamonds is retexture to make them fit in with-- and more importantly add variety to-- the world. Torches may become minimalistic lamps, iron might become diamond plate, zombies might become replicants... Whatever it takes to make the world as seamless as possible.
Suffice it to say, it takes much more than a trivial amount of work to create something like this.
If you're a Minecraft user yourself you can pick up the BladeCraft texture pack here and the accompanying map here. Both seem to be works-in-progress, so hopefully MrShortee will have even more cyberpunk machinima for us to look forward to in the not-too-distant (or dystopian) future.
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This looks really cool. I love BladeRunner (stumbled on your post from searching bladerunner MC mods, lol) My fav texture pack so far is CodeCrafted.
Anyway, thanks for such a cool post!
Posted by: EddieTheOrange | Wednesday, August 22, 2018 at 06:04 AM