Last week's One Billion Rising event in Second Life caused a fair amount of controversy, mainly because the dance party, an official part of a world-wide awareness-raising collective dance event against rape and other violence against women, seemed by many to be an ineffective response to such a deep and serious issue. Saffia Widdershins of the excellent SL blog Prim Perfect offers her answer as one of the event's lead organizers:
This event was planned and held within five weeks. The people behind it (and there were over a hundred and thirty people involved in the event) were experienced event organizers in Second Life (events including Second Life Birthdays, Relay for Life etc etc). This was short notice for a wholly new event, but a blog was set up, a Facebook page and a Twitter stream. It received publicity through the real world OBR event as well - and even featured on the Guardian newspaper's live blog of One Billion Rising!
There were four sims open for twenty-four hours, with people coming and going all day long. On average, I'd say there were 120 people at the event at any one time - attendance might have dropped to 80 at some points, and rose to nearly 200 at peak times - at which point the sims were really groaning. I would suspect that well over a thousand people visited the event in the course of the day - and more watched on Livestream - it was broadcast for the whole 24 hours.
And we got nearly five thousand hits on the OBR blog on the day itself - so maybe I'm being conservative with visitor numbers.