The Misadventures of Shady Ami & Redd is a fun and new-ish Second Life blog that focuses on reviews of SL hunts, those ever-popular, grid-wide searches for cool treasures (especially fashion), such as this videogame-themed one launched around Valentine's Day. (Direct link here.) Lots of pics and wacky commentary liven up each review. Hat tip to this is to Ms. Cajsa Lilliehook, who helps compile the epicly extensive Blogging Second Life directory and is a badass blogger herself.
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Even if you are not a hunt aficionado, this blog is a lot of fun. It's full of the kind of SL antics and silliness that makes SL such a constant surprise and delight.
Posted by: Cajsa Lilliehook | Friday, February 22, 2013 at 01:06 PM