Inspired by Michel Foucault's Utopian Body, this is an SL machinima by Lala Larix called "Myself, Me & I", and it combines real life footage and impressive effects to visualize the divide between the material and the virtual, the physical and digital person. Do watch. It inspired me to read some Foucault, who I should have read more of already, I know, but turns out to have said this in 1966, seemingly anticipating the appeal of avatars:
Utopia is a place outside all places, but it is a place where I will have a body without body, a body that will be beautiful, limpid, transparent, luminous, speedy, colossal in its power, infinite in its duration. Untethered, invisible, protected--always transfigured. It may very well be that the first utopia, the one most deeply rooted in the hearts of men, is precisely the utopia of an incorporeal body.
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I remember that first sculpture from the old Rezzable sim Black Swan. Good to know it is still out there somewhere....
Posted by: Scarp Godenot | Wednesday, February 27, 2013 at 12:23 PM