This is Philip Rosedale demonstrating new technology from his new startup High Fidelity -- it connects a mobile phone's accelerometer to a virtual world, and in this way, matches the movement of person holding the phone directly to movement in the virtual world. Watch:
"At a high level," Philip tells me, "we are looking in a very broad way experimentally at how sensors can be used to better animate the avatar." In this particular demo, here's how they do that:
The program connects the motion sensor/accelerometer of the smartphone to the action in a 3D virtual world. "I got this controller in the world," says Philip, "and this controller allows me to move myself around... equivalent of a hand in the virtual world." So yes, Philip Rosedale is working on virtual world technology again. However, adds Philip, "we're gonna put more out soon, not saying much yet." So look for that update imminently too.
Hat tip: Troy McConaghy.
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So - using a mobile device to control an avatar. Nothing specifically amazing (or even useful) there, fitting the functionality of a kinnect controller in your phone would sell though - just hope his 'more soon' shows some better ideas.
Posted by: Hitomi Tiponi | Friday, April 12, 2013 at 01:02 AM
i think i'm going to name my next company "bridget jones' diary".
Posted by: qarl | Friday, April 12, 2013 at 08:49 AM
So either peoples avatars will have to look like iphones, or their iphones will soon be molded in the shape of little people.
We all know how that Twilight Zone Episode ended.
Posted by: joker | Friday, April 12, 2013 at 10:08 AM
You in the box thinkers have no imagination. That kind of interaction could be useful in NON-SL applications. SL is dead as it is, and I think Philip knows this.
Posted by: wakeupsmellthejoe | Friday, April 12, 2013 at 10:45 AM
the next big... err, marble madness? `-´ (btw. still love phil, whutevah he does!)
Posted by: ole | Sunday, April 14, 2013 at 07:21 AM