This is a pretty funny Oculus Rift demo which illustrates a very important point about the VR technology -- it's at its best as a group experience. Watch:
I don't just mean "group" in the sense of several people experiencing the same virtual reality at the same time. I mean several people experiencing the reaction to the VR experience. Because the Rift headset is relatively compact, and because it can run on consumer-level computer hardware which also displays what the person using the Rift is seeing, people can stand around and vicariously enjoy what the person wearing the goggles is experiencing.
This may be a high-flown way for saying it's fun to watch people act like hypnotized idiots, but the outcome is just the same: VR which works in a real world social environment. Which is probably what it will need to become mass market. After all, if we couldn't watch this girl stagger and flail around and laugh our asses off, we wouldn't be convinced the Rift was worth trying out. She looks silly as hell. We laugh... but are also very, very intrigued.
Hat tip: Reddit's Oculus group.
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