Coming in November, Her is a movie by Spike Jonze (who directed Being John Malkovich), and it's about a lonely guy played by Joaquin Phoenix who falls in love with an A.I. named Samantha (who sounds suspiciously like Scarlett Johansson, because it is), and here's the trailer:
A lot of the A.I.'s dialog resembles that of ELIZA, the famous fake AI program which seemed to be insightful and empathetic, but was simply repeating what the user had previously typed, just in the form of a question. (From the movie: "There's something that feels so good about sharing your life with somebody." "How do you share your life with somebody?") When ELIZA was first created in the 60s, it was said that highly intelligent people wound up having deep, emotional conversations with the program, without realizing it was simply a text-based mirror of the user's own words. I bet if ELIZA sounded like Scarlett Johansson, a lot of them would foolishly fall in love, too.
I wonder though Hamlet, if they feel connected in some way would it really be all that foolish?
Posted by: Commizar Janick | Thursday, August 15, 2013 at 06:19 AM