Regra 4 is an up-and-coming indie band from Brazil which is being featured as a SXSW showcase with a song about Second Life. Yes, the world's most influential music conference is showcasing "Second Life (Avatar)" right now, right here:
There's been many other songs about Second Life (Duran Duran did one), but I'd say this one rocks the best, with a unique, catchy combination of Afro-Brazilian beats and rock licks. Would be nice if they actually used SL machinima, but maybe they will with a new version of the music video (hint hint).
"Basically he sings that his world changes when entering Second Life," Brazilian SLer Lestat Cazenove tells me, summarizing the lyrics. Mr. Cazenove translated even more lyrics, which I'm embedding after the break -- they're somewhat NSFW, because Brazil:
Are in sight,
the panorama that is real,
wire less a virtual holography
March iPod, you can teleport,
send and receive my avatar
smell, sight, touch, taste, hearing,
it is often for my avatar
smell, sight, touch, taste, hearing
everything is frenquencia for my avatar
What avatar? Who am I in this real world. What avatar?
Who am I in this virtual world>
Shivers hair
Shiver by the chills
the ice shivers salt
shivers hair
chills the twat
chills the clit
Dick shivers
"The problem," Cazenove suggests, "is that there is language that only makes sense for us Brazilians." I think we get the general idea. Just in case, Portuguese academic and SLer Fernando José Cassola Marques wrote out the full Portuguese lyrics for me:
tá na minha o panorama do que é real pornografia,
wireless, o ar virtual ipod e o pode teletransportal
envio e recebo do meu avatar o facto e o resultado
audição paladar tudo é frequência para o meu avatar
Qual avatar que escolheu nesse mundo real?
Qual avatar que escolheu nesse mundo virtual?
arrepia o cabelo arrepia o pelo arrepia o gelo e sal
arrepia o cabelo arrepia o pelo arrepia o grelo e o mal
Portuguese-fluent readers interested in another translation? With this song, I'm not quite sure they were actually going for dick chills and chilled clits... but maybe that's just me.
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I am Brazilian, I will try to do a translation that makes more sense in English then the literal translation.
The target is the overview of what is real pornography (can be holograpy and not pornography in the lyric), wireless, virtual sea, Ipod and can teletransports (ipode and pode rimes, pode is can in portuguese)
I send and receive thru my avatar the fact and the result
Smell, Vision, touch, Hearing and taste, everything is a frequency of my avatar
Which avatar? Who am I in this real world?
Which avatar? Who am I in this virtual world?
Goosebumps in the hair, chills in the body, it shiver the ice and the salt
Goosebumps in the hair, chills in the body, shivers the clit and the evil
The portuguese letter is incomplete a bit
"Ta na mira o panorama do que é real
Pornografia (ou holografia?) , Wireless, um mar virtual, Ipode, pode teletransportar
Envio e recebo do meu avatar
Olfato, visão tato, audição, paladar, tudo é frequencia para o meu avatar
Qual avatar? Quem sou nesse mundo real?
Qual avatar? Quem sou nesse mundo virtual?
Arrepia o cabelo, arrepia o pelo, arrepia o gelo e sal
Arrepia o cabelo, arrepia o pelo, arrepia o grelo e o mal
Posted by: Isabelli Anatine | Wednesday, January 15, 2014 at 05:28 PM
Brasiliera and I'm glad to see our work being discussed. About Second Life is good to see it being appreciated all forms, we have a vast world in SL, where there is much to be explored. Music, cause interests, and give others the opportunity to meet and participate in this our virtual little world.
Posted by: Luiza Rain | Thursday, January 16, 2014 at 02:37 AM
Hi Hamlet, Isabelli is right there, the lyrics presented on the original post, in portuguese, are not correct. Her version seems to match what they really sing. About the translation, the one you used on the post seems to be an automatic one - and thent it sounds a bit non-sense. Again, Isabelli's translation is better. Maybe it needs some further work, but it is definitely better.
Posted by: Ricco Saenz | Thursday, January 16, 2014 at 05:02 AM
Second Life (AVATAR)
Composição: Eugênio Fim
(D C D C G)
Ta na mira o panorama do que é real
Holografia, wireless, um mar virtual
Ipod, You Pode (tube) teletransportar
Envio e recebo do meu avatar
Olfato, visão, tato, audição, paladar
Tudo é freqüência pro meu avatar
D9 D9/F# D9/ G# D9/A
Qual avatar?
Quem sou eu nesse mundo real?
Qual avatar?
Quem sou eu no mundo virtual?
Arrepia o cabelo Arrepia o pelo Arrepia o gelo e o sal
Posted by: EUGÊNIO TEXEIRA FIM | Monday, January 27, 2014 at 05:04 PM
I'm happy because my song is here!!! :)
Posted by: EUGÊNIO TEXEIRA FIM | Monday, January 27, 2014 at 05:05 PM