Janine "Iris Ophelia" Hawkins' ongoing review of gaming and virtual world style
Every so often I like to check in on Jay Faircloth, my absolute favorite Skyrim screenshot artist -- and if you still hesitate to consider people who take game screenshots "artists" then you're clearly not familiar with his work. Faircloth, who also goes by Anaphiel in modding circles, is constantly tweaking his game to his own high standards (as he shared with NWN back in 2012) to the point that much of what he does is never released publicly. He retextures, remaps, remodels, and generally wrings every last drop of graphical potential out of the popular game.
Even so, several of his latest pictures (including the one shown above) are as much the result of a happy accident as they are his own modding prowess. As he explained on Flickr:
It turns out that Faircloth had accidentally opened two instances of Skyrim at the same time as he was taking a fresh series of pictures of two of his characters. This affected the lighting (including his own customized ENB shaders) in a way that allowed for some even more dramatic shots than usual.
You can find the rest of the screenshots affected by this ambient accident, as well as loads of others, on Jay Faircloth's Flickr page.
TweetJanine Hawkins (@bleatingheart on Twitter, Iris Ophelia in Second Life) has been writing about virtual worlds and video games for nearly a decade, and has had her work featured on Kotaku, Jezebel, and The Mary Sue.
Hey, thanks for the writeup and especially for the kind words - I just wanted to drop a quick note to clarify that I was really just speculating about what was causing the weird (if lovely) lighting and weather effects that I was seeing when I took this series of shots. I did have two instances of TESV.exe running for some reason (I'm a dope being the most likely reason), but I'm not exactly sure that did or even really could influence the post-process effects. I should have been more clear about that over on Flickr.
Posted by: Anaphiel | Wednesday, August 13, 2014 at 12:22 PM