DX Exchange (a proud NWN partner) is now hiring paid in-world staff to help expand its Linden Dollar-real currency exchange service throughout Second Life, especially users who are fluent in both English and Spanish or Chinese. More details after the break. If you're qualified and interested, e-mail support at dxexchange dot com or IM the company's in-world representative (pictured here) MarcelEdward DX.
Staff activities: Searching for new communities and potential DX users in-world, attending in-world meetings with DX management as needed, supporting DX users/customers.
Qualifications: Reliable, professional, enjoys meeting people in-world. Must be familiar with Second Life and the world's most used viewers, and have an avatar with a professional appearance. User account must be at least 90 days old.
Pay and hours: 2500 L$ per week for about an average of 2 hours per day in-world. (Details TBD.)
To apply or ask for more details, e-mail support at dxexchange dot com or IM the company's in-world representative.
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