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Thursday, October 23, 2014


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I agree that there could be multiple technical limitations. However, another big factor is that painted jewelry even if it looks metallic won't stick with a big number of people in SL after the initial 8 years of over-exposure to flat looking, and pretty much painted-on items like non-mesh clothing.
The majority look for palpable detail on items with the least amount of painted-on details as possible. That's one of the reasons why mesh is so popular with a big part of Second Life's population. This section of the population sees painted-on items as unreal and fake.
Of course, there is another section of the population that generally dislikes mesh, but this other section would also prefer palpable prim jewelry to painted on jewelry even if it imitates metallic tattoos.
Lastly, materials open many possibilities with regards to creativity and design, but the fact remains that most of the population on Second Life has materials off most of the time, some due to ignorance, others because advanced lighting decreases performance too much for them.

Pussycat Catnap

This highlights why the current 'no-mod' fad going around mesh bodies is such a failure of a notion...

It prevents end users from doing the very kinds of things many would want a mesh body to do - customization.

I believe fusion and maybe lena lush/perky (or petite? I forget the name) are modable bodies.

They each have their own other problems - but this might be a reason to get one of them.

I've been planning a part 2 of my mesh body review on my blog, and if I do it, I'll have to examine that.

(my plan was to review fusion, eve, and one other - that I'm blanking on. Maybe it was Lena. Last time I reviewed The Shops, Belleza, and Slink, and dismissed Lena for its poor alpha system.)

If I do find a mod body, I'll be sure to note that. And I will try to test whether or not it can do this.

Aliasi Stonebender

Several mesh bodies do, however, and a number that don't are modify-okay so you can always roll your own.

I liberally make use of all the materials options on my newer avatars.

Tiffy Vella

Oh my, this article gives me horrible memories of how virtual jewellery used to be: a jacket layer texture or as you mention, a textured prim fitted over the avatar (usually with a bad alpha of a rl piece of jewellery on it). We have spent many years since reacting against these early techniques, from Random Calliope who was one of the first to skillfully design in miniprims, to todays designers who boldly use mesh in celebration of a truly 3D experience. I can't speak for all jewellers, but I do think we have been striving for more rounded, more technically believable work ever since the introduction of sculpted prims.
For this reason, perhaps those of us with longer memories might be loth to return to flat textured work again, despite the use of materials. However, I, and absolutely totally everyone else, would LOVE materials to be applicable to skin and tattoo layers. Just imagine!
Materials can be used to create incredible metallic texturing to a prim. That's entirely do-able. Fitting a textured prim to an avatar is too horrifyingly close to 2005 for my liking though (and I can't do it for a rl instagram photo, but that's an entirely different issue)
I believe that materials are now recently scriptable though? If so, cannot makers of mesh appliers update their scripting to include normal and specular mapping?

Pussycat Catnap

Eve, Fusion, and the Lena mesh bodies are all mod.
- That's three right there.

Slink, Belleza, and theMeshProject appear to be the only major choices that are NOT mod...

They're the 3 I've reviewed, each unfortunately having at least one major flaw:

zz bottom

I tried a few demos and for sure the only one i liked was lena's lush as it is mod and it fits my shape perfectly and also slink s size high feet and slink hands.
lena's perky didnt match as well my shape and show seems on the neck and hands even after i modded my shape.
All the non mod bodies i skipped.
Sadly the one i enjoyed most, free full perm avatar 1.65 fit mesh, for some reason slides a bit to the right of my shape and all attach will not work as well (slink feet and hands, also stay a bit to the left not linking correctly).

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