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Thursday, October 30, 2014


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Kim Anubis

"Any time you post a message or communication on an OnLive sponsored forum, or create, post, upload, submit, share or distribute any content through the use of the OnLive Game Service including but not limited to any public forums on the OnLive Game Service or play a game on the OnLive Game Service, including any screen name, tag, handle, motto, avatar video or still, and including contributions via video, voice and text chat, text messaging, forums, message boards, whether within or outside a game (any such message, communication, content or play, collectively, “Game Service User Generated Content or Game Service UGC”), you grant OnLive a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, unrestricted, royalty-free, fully paid-up license (with the right to sublicense) to use, reproduce, distribute, display, perform, transmit, modify, edit, create derivative works from, and otherwise exploit such Game Service UGC, in any form, format, or medium now known or later developed. You represent and warrant that you have the right to grant these rights to OnLive and that you will not post any content or links, user-generated or otherwise, that infringe, misappropriate or violate any privacy, intellectual property, or any other rights of any party, or which violates the Guidelines, or that is vulgar, offensive, libelous, slanderous, discriminatory or obscene or that violates any law. You hereby waive all “moral rights” with respect to all Game Service UGC and all copyrights therein to the extent such moral rights can be waived under the existing law of any jurisdiction, and all uses thereof, and consent to any action of OnLive that would violate such moral rights in the absence of such waiver or consent."


Can I login to Metropolis grid via OnLive SL Go service?

Issa Heckroth

Any time you post a message or communication on an OnLive sponsored forum, or create, post, upload, submit, share or distribute any content through the use of the OnLive Game Service including but not limited to any public forums on the OnLive Game Service or play a game on the OnLive Game Service, including any screen name, tag, handle, motto, avatar video or still, and including contributions via video, voice and text chat, text messaging, forums, message boards, whether within or outside a game (any such message, communication, content or play, collectively, “Game Service User Generated Content or Game Service UGC”), a fairly dies.


Adeon Writer


Oh boy can't wait to ditch my inventory, friends, avatar, and marketplace to get some land on a private server.


Hmmmm... Nope, doesn't seem to allow me to access other grids such as Metropolis. Speed is great however, but constant compression blurring is annoying. Using the iPad version. Controls are ok, do not like the avatar control while walking, jumps to hard degrees when changing directions and is overly sensitive. Also the page up/down controls are nearly impossible to use while flying an aircraft (used for throttle), waaaaaaay too sensitive. I am used to combining applying to arrow keys at same time on a keyboard to adjust my avatar direction. Doesn't seem to be possible on the iPad version. Also, not a fan of the default distance from the avatar, makes it impossible to navigate within buildings unless you enter mouse look view. I will stick with my 2 year old, $600 computer. Inputs are much more reliable, and the graphics/speed are nearly the same with a mid-range Nvidia card installed.

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