The last couple days, I felt like this in the morning when I turned on the news:
"In technology news, the world's largest Internet company announced a half billion dollar investment in wearable virtual reality tech, putting it in direct competition with the virtual reality technology currently in development by the world's second largest Internet company. Meanwhile, the technorati are still cooing over the world's first working hoverboard.
"And to recap the top news headlines today:
"Canadian authorities are still in high alert following a brutal firefight likely linked to ISIS, the international terrorist network dedicated to restoring the Caliphate across the Middle East, and the Obama administration announced US airports will now screen passengers for an incurable virus."
Of course, instead of watching this news on a TV, I get to hear it from the news streaming from my smartphone. And while I'm also a multi-racial guy from Hawaii like Keanu, I don't transport top secret data in my head. Then again, I do occasionally work on high speed trains running between Beijing and Shanghai so I can serve an international client who makes money by selling virtual goods. So I guess that's better?
Compare and contrast:
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And to think, as Gibson has said in various interviews, he was writing cautionary (and of course artful) tales. Then the geeks and the suits decided that making his world come true would be "cool."
Posted by: Iggy | Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at 12:41 PM
That kickstarter seems to good to be true. They're using magnetic levitation, which is nothing new, kids toys have done that for years. How that up-scales into the real world is beyond me. Maybe they're going to use it on the 'solar frickin roadways' which which we're successful with a recent kickstarter campaign.
Posted by: Cube Republic | Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at 04:00 PM
"Then the geeks and the suits decided that making his world come true would be "cool.""
Iggy they have done that with ANY and ALL dystopic science fiction novels/movies that have come down the pike.
Their latest mission is to turn the world into Ready Player One, which its lead character and its author have both stated the world in that book is a hell hole. But that doesn't stop the technocrati. No way. Hell Hole is good for them as long as it looks cool.
Posted by: melponeme_k | Thursday, October 23, 2014 at 06:01 AM