The latest hilarious and lovingly produced installment in the Second Life adventures of Ole "Mr. Bones" Etzel is full of disaster and danger and maybe some hotly hot hotness with a mermaid in the deep blue sea:
"Mr. Bones" is Ole Etzel, a German SLer with a knack for American folk music and machinima, who told me this about the latest adventures of his avatar:
"The new episode is maybe the most heavily edited episode yet. Tho' Mr. Bones is lost at the sea I always had the idea of having a stormy episode with waves. I guess it is one of the most unlikely events that Linden Lab will give me a fancy menu to edit wave height in SL, so I needed some heavy after editing to make the sea go high - and the the things go worse for Mr. Bones. While first I thought the storm would be the main thing about episode 7, during the recording I realized that the storytelling changed my first ideas a lot and now, after finishing my work, I like everything under water much more than the wavey madness above. I have a lot of ideas for future episodes... so let's hope the Lab will keep the doors open."
Let's hope that, yes. By the way, if you haven't seen Ole's "Tall Buildings" machinima, you really should (below) and read about it here.
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yarr + enjoy faancy movie posters at bonesy flickr:
Posted by: Ole | Friday, November 21, 2014 at 02:07 AM