Here's a fun new challenge for the new year: Can you pose your SL avatar like he or she was smiling for a high school yearbook photo? That's the premise for Strawberry Singh's Second Life Yearbook Smile Challenge.. "I always have a hard time trying to make my avatar not look so creepy while smiling," as she explains how the idea came to be, "so I was testing it out a few days ago and shared my image on Plurk and Whiskey Monday came in leaving me comments as if she was signing my yearbook, which I thought was hilarious!"
Here's how to submit:
Share an image of your Second Life avatar smiling for a yearbook photo. Don’t forget to share the link to your post in the comments and add your pictures to the new Second Life Yearbook flickr group, you can also share them in the Blog Memes flickr group if you like.
Then again, is just about every high school yearbook photo I've ever seen, all the students' smiles are totally awkward -- covering up the braces on their face, trying to look emo and totally failing, and so on. (Not to mention the horrible hairstyles, the pimples, the look of inward terror and sexual frustration.) Now that's another yearbook avatar meme I'd love to see.
I'm finding the "Yearbook" to be interesting. LOTS of glasses wearing sweater-over-oxford tv-pretty-version-of-the-girl-next-door, including 3 with that Tres Blah Preppy Sweater with the cute little red tie. Model scouts would probably visit the school often, it's basically full of The Beautiful Elite:
Posted by: CronoCloud Creeggan | Tuesday, January 06, 2015 at 02:03 PM