If you're a regular user of SL Go (an NWN partner), you probably noticed some problems teleporting with the streaming service. (This issue only impacts people using the Linden Lab viewer through SL Go, but not the SL Go through Firestorm, so OnLive is now working with the Lindens to resolve the issue.) In any case, OnLive's Dennis Harper wanted to pass along this nice consolation announcement for existing subscribers:
We understand your frustration and apologize for the inconvenience. We will give all SL Go subscribers a free month of SL Go to make up for time lost. The next time your subscription renews, you will not be charged.
So you got that going for you. And always, feel free to post Comments for the SL Go team below.
I had this happen a couple of nights ago. I could tp within the region but couldn't tp out of it. This is really the first issue I've had with SLGO.
Posted by: Amanda Dallin | Saturday, January 31, 2015 at 09:07 AM