This weekend, NWN sponsoring partner Ample Avi will be having a rather unique sale on their original curvy shapes. Between the 13th and the 15th of February, Ample Avi designer Xme Xue will be placing a rose on the photo of a shape in her main store [Teleport link]. While the rose is on the photo, that shape will be steeply discounted to L$100. Xme will be moving the rose several times over the course of the Valentine's day weekend, so if you've had an eye on any particular shape then you may want to stop by a few times to make sure you don't miss your chance.
As I mentioned last month, Ample Avi's plus sized shapes have become some of the most used shapes in my inventory. Though it was a gradual and completely unconscious shift, these days I wear them more often than the shape that i had been wearing and tweaking since I joined SL.
Be sure to swing by Ample Avi's in-world location [Teleport link] to take advantage of the sale before it ends this Sunday. Unfortunately the reduced prices won't be available on Ample Avi's Second Life Marketplace storefront, but it's still a good place to browse what's available.