Remnants of Earth is a cool-looking and quite ambitious MMO in Second Life -- let's take a look at the slick promo trailer:
To visit in-world, copy/paste this SLurl in your favorite Second Life viewer:
Here's the premise and game write-up from the developer:
Remnants of Earth is a cyberpunk-fantasy role playing game within the metaverse of Second Life, with a heavy basis around classic pen and paper RPGs elements, like; dice rolling, stats, monster fighting, story driven events, MMO-like adventuring, and gathering. RoE is the first second life pen and paper table top game in SL, while still keeping the core features of any other roleplay sim. Players can interact with NPCs and other players to accomplish goals, and even engage in heated PvP faction wars. We even have a full crafting and mining system! Think of RoE as a fully functioning table top game in SL, like Dungeons and Dragons, or ShadowRun.
Go here to explore more on the official website. Those are bold comparisons, and boldness deserves recognition. I just wish the promo video showed any interaction with the fight system, the pen and paper elements, campaigns, or whatever. Any players reading this?
Update, 3/3: Kotaku's Patricia Hernandez picked this post up, which is nice, and Remnants' lead developer responds in a comment below.
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Hi, I am the lead dev for RoE!
Yes, they are some bold claims. I wanted to make something completely different in SL. I have been a huge tabletop RPG fan for years, but always lacked the time to get friends together for only one night of adventure for a few short hours. So I wanted to make an endless game of it that could be accessed any time on SL with hundreds of other players to enjoy it with.
In retrospect, this video only scratches the tip of the iceberg. I wanted it to show so much more, but my editor thought 5 minutes was long enough. So if you want to see the rest, you'll have to come in and play with u!
Like anything in the world, we are not perfect. We do make mistakes, We even have our fair share of drama. But I'd like to think our pros outweigh or cons.I encourage you to come into our sim and try it with us. Just have fun! :)
Posted by: Melna | Thursday, April 02, 2015 at 06:33 PM
the music choice is excellent and helps make you excited to play the game :D
Posted by: Me | Saturday, April 04, 2015 at 03:51 AM
It seems RoE closed down around the middle of the month, their website doesn't seem to show the change, however their inworld general group R e m n a n t s o f E a r t h mentioned a farewell party on the 14th of the month along with giving away a plaque a couple days later in said group, their regions are gone.
Posted by: V | Friday, March 27, 2020 at 02:18 AM