When I first saw photos of this church scroll across my Facebook feed from a friend, I first assumed it was from Second Life. But no: It's very real, it's in Belgium, and it's very solid. Though I do suspect Gijs Van Vaerenbergh has been in the metaverse once or twice:
"This ‘church’ consists of 30 tons of steel and 2000 columns, and is built on a fundament of armed concrete. Through the use of horizontal plates, the concept of the traditional church is transformed into a transparent object of art."
Hat tip: Silona Bonewald.
Life imitates Second Life--back in 2009, in the Lime sim there was (is?) a serene building with a golden statue of the Buddha--but when you looked closer, and especially when you looked at it from the side, you saw that it was built up from slices stacked one behind another. It was an elegant piece of work, and I hope its maker is still creating objects in some virtual world.
Posted by: Melissa Yeuxdoux | Wednesday, April 22, 2015 at 06:01 PM