This is a really interesting walkthrough of Second Life's current first-time user experience by someone who hasn't played SL for about 10 years:
I created an alt account 2-3 years ago, as I recall, and the on-boarding process has become even more polished and robust since then. A couple other points that emerge from watching this video:
The UI is still extremely challenging for anyone who isn't deeply familiar with MMOs, and the first-time user experience doesn't even come close to doing enough to address that. But friendly, chatty videos like this (by Beau Hindman) are in themselves a good way of introducing people to the UI and all its irksome eccentricities.
which takes me to the next thought:
I'd love to see a lot more "Let's Play"-style walkthroughs of Second Life content, because there's not many out there, and because they're intimate and extremely compelling for non-users who want to know more about the world, and what people are doing in it. Minecraft videos are insanely popular on YouTube for that very reason.
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I did not believe for an instant that its a true 10 years gone noob but..that was good :) Hard to re-noob so ... but yeah. Always going to argue on the UI as my only other is Spectrum Elite.
However as recently switching back and forth from a tpv to the viewer managed wossname viewer all I can say is - graphics wise its outstanding. Caveat - I spent a few hours yesterday on an xp box made out of dust bunnies (at least from previous careful owners) that could still pull ultra - ish. All 768 meg mem of it.
Thanks for this.
Posted by: sirhc deSantis | Friday, May 22, 2015 at 11:33 AM