Hey Linden Lab and SL enthusiasts, if you really want to grow Second Life's userbase, forget about Dr. Phil or any other old school media like that, and push to get more people making videos like this;
A fun if rambling "Let's Play" video from YouTube gaming personality "everythingdigital1" who recently discovered and fell in love with Second Life (his SL name is "Dtpk"), this is exactly the kind of video that really would grow Second Life's userbase, because it's aimed at the precise demographic who are ideally suited to embrace SL. Here's why:
- "Let's Play" gaming videos are the most-watched category of YouTube videos by far, especially among people in their teens and early 20s.
- Minecraft is by far the most popular category of video on YouTube.
- Minecraft players are the most able to understand Second Life as an open, creative game/platform, and have the most willingness to learn how to use it.
In fact, about halfway into the video, "Dtpk" describes Second Life as "kinda like Minecraft, but not really" -- which is accurate enough, and more key, a great way to entice a new generation raised on Minecraft into checking out SL. There's over 100 million or so of them, so even getting 1% interested in Second Life would be a major win. And it's likely that Minecraft fanatics, as they get into their late teens/early 20s, are looking for an even more powerful and open-ended creative platform. So if I were Linden Lab, I would spend less money on creating pretty but over-produced promotional videos (the kind they usually finance), and get some of their very young staff to start making "Let's Play" videos like this. And also, beg on their hands and knees for Felix "PewDiePie" Kjellberg to shoot a video in Second Life for his nearly 40 million fans.
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Ha that's what I told my friend a decade younger than me it was like. Of course the huge difference between the two is the freedom involved in land or how you appear yourself. Minecraft has an unending amount of land, shaped however you want, persistent land. Second Life has an avatar that you can shape however you want, unless you want to start paying out for a bit of land that uses a height map. Second Life does look better regardless, as you can show off meshes or buy nice realistic models, that's why I choose to play it instead.
Posted by: WonkyWonger | Wednesday, July 29, 2015 at 11:03 AM
Thank you so much Bro on using my video for your blog this is really awesome and I have to agree this game/sim should have more video's on YouTube and should be played by "PewDiePie" and other top YouTubers I believe they would all have a blast at Second Life if they knew what all can be done. -Dtpk Signing Off
Posted by: Dtpk | Wednesday, July 29, 2015 at 12:02 PM
Roblox is pretty impressive--kinda like minecraft 2.
Posted by: John Q | Wednesday, July 29, 2015 at 08:32 PM
This is a great video and a good idea. But it is hard to put it into practice. In reality this blog post is advertising the video (and not the video Second Life). The linked video has now more views than all other videos of Dtpk. Most of them have 5-15 views. Just making Let's Play videos won't do the trick. You need someone to make it, who has already Millions of followers.
@Dtpk: As I said at the start, the video and also your other videos are great. I had a good time watching some of them. You should have a lot more viewers. So this is no critizism at all about your great work.
Posted by: Estelle Pienaar | Thursday, July 30, 2015 at 04:51 AM
@ Estelle Pienaa
Not to be mean or any thing but I actually had more views on some of my old tutorial videos way before I posted a "Second Life" video but yeah because of this post on this blog that video has become "almost" one of my most viewed video's really fast and i'm really great full for this so thank you every one who has seen the video.
Posted by: Dtpk | Thursday, July 30, 2015 at 01:49 PM
Yeah the new generation is having fun alright-being racist,sexist twats on second life because everything in second life is changed and so f-ed up now that i don't even blame them. Nothing to encourage creativity. They do everything to block or obstruct what could be a fun experience for new and old users alike. The stupid decisions and policies of linden labs(Like getting rid of teen second life) have ironically encouraged and increased the abandonment and griefing/trolling of SL.
Posted by: It is ok I guess | Friday, August 07, 2015 at 09:12 PM
The video is boring because SL is boring. Most places are dead,only freaks and griefing/trolling asshats are there. people are anti-social, the company does everything to fuck up SL for creative content makers. SL is just going downwards into a deadly spiral. No wonder new users never last more than a month before abandoning the platform and I for one am glad that they do. It is a sinking ship. Secondlife is like when you blend youtube,tumblr,facebook,4chan,reddit,stormfront and a 3D copycat of the sims into one. That's what secondlife is right now. They should just rename it to secondstrife because that's what you are gonna do in the game. It is a wonder they don't give you a suicide button in the game because they want your torment to last forever. They should call it the second death.
Posted by: Triangles and Doritos | Friday, August 07, 2015 at 09:19 PM