This weekend is your last chance to pick up a bargain on curvy and plus-sized Second Life avatar shapes at Ample Avi, a proud sponsoring partner of New World Notes. As I mentioned back in June, Ample Avi's been having a summer sale on quite a few of their classic shapes, and now that sale period much like the season itself is drawing to a close. The sale will be wrapping up this coming Monday, August 31st, and once it does the shapes currently marked down will be permanently retired from Ample Avi's store lineup. There are 17 shapes being retired, including the ultra-cute Kris pictured just on the left.
If you've got weekend plans, you'll still be able to pick the aforementioned shapes up from Ample Avi's storefront on the Second Life Marketplace for a very limited time. You can browse the Summer Sale deals on the Marketplace as well, or drop by Ample Avi's main store in Pryeri [Teleport link] to see the lineup in the (virtual) flesh.
Don't forget that Ample Avi group membership is also free during this period, so it's the perfect time to pounce if you want to stay in the loop but hate group enrollment costs. And (just in case you missed it last month) be sure to read this insightful advice for aspiring designers from Ample Avi designer Xme Xue.
How Sansar Solves Second Life's Setbacks -- So Subsequently Won't Suit Typical SLers (Comment of the Week)
Last week's rant by my VR executive friend "Meursault" provoked some really interesting reader replies, including this one by virtual world developer Estelle Pienaar, who recently launched an SL-based game. In opposition to Meursault, she argues that Linden Lab's Sansar is addressing the problems that hurt Second Life, especially with large companies:
For Esther, these points point directly to what Sansar will be -- and who it will be geared toward -- and surprisingly, she thinks it won't be ideal for typical SLers. Here's why:
Continue reading "How Sansar Solves Second Life's Setbacks -- So Subsequently Won't Suit Typical SLers (Comment of the Week)" »
Posted on Monday, August 31, 2015 at 01:53 PM in Comment of the Week | Permalink | Comments (8)