Second Life has a channel on YouTube Gaming, a new YouTube service that's seen as a direct competitor to the massive Twitch/live game streaming phenomenon. (Hat tip Ciaran, who has some thoughts.)
Fittingly (if annoyingly), the most popular videos on the Second Life channel now are the ever-popular SL griefer videos loved by the Twitch crowd, or at least the twerpier subset of that audience. (See above.) I've said it before, and I'll say it again, just more emphatically: Now that Second Life is a popular griefing target for "Let's Play" video creators, it's more crucial than ever to start creating "Let's Play" videos with more emphasis on great SL content, less SL dickwads.
What to I mean? Here's a good role model I blogged about last month:
Former Gartner Researcher Explains Why Virtual Reality is on Upswing in Firm's 2015 Hype Cycle
We had some Friday fun snarking about Gartner's latest Hype Cycle report which puts VR on the Slope of Enlightenment, but as it happens, longtime SL blogger Eddi Haskell is a former researcher with the esteemed analyst firm, and posted some context to the forecast:
I'm grateful to Eddi for helping us understand Gartner's reasoning for its new chart, but I'm still skeptical. VR as it's generally understood was last hyped and then written off in the 90s, but back when the larger technology market was totally different. At the same time, the current wave of VR is being freshly hyped yet again, with breathless prominent media profiles on the cover of Time and other major publications, and "It's going to change the world!" pronouncements frequently made by all kinds of people. Seems to me it makes more sense to place the current wave of VR on the Peak of Inflated Expectations.
Speaking of which, Eddi had this to say about the 2007 Gartner forecast mentioned, when Gartner said “80 percent of active Internet users (and Fortune 500 companies) will have a ‘second life’, but not necessarily in Second Life” by 2011":
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Posted on Monday, August 24, 2015 at 02:41 PM in Comment of the Week, Virtual Reality | Permalink | Comments (2)