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Friday, August 21, 2015


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sirhc deSantis

Ok so take out all the 'according to' and 'probably less than' bits - can you nail that 10 mil a bit closer? Let alone the few dozen (12) or erm few hundred (100) =^^=
Disclosure - sponsored by my local grocery shop who knocks off a few euros if I help shift the odd box of cauliflower. Honest


"probably less than $10 million per year combing, with only a few dozen or hundred actually making a substantial living from it"

More like 60 million: http://www.hypergridbusiness.com/2015/05/ebbe-sl-users-cashed-out-60-mil-last-year/

That's 60 million cashed out, not processed credit that went to tier.


No sense in picking on Drax. He's not the exception, but more like the rule. There are so many murky relationships that Linden Lab has developed regarding SL. It's greedy tentacles have reached in and corrupted every angle of the world and replaced it with crippling insanity.

That's why this ethically broken company seems to be out to destroy itself.

I really would have like to have seen the Second Life that could have been... one that developed without stacked decks and backroom deals. The one where we could trust that accomplishment and reward would have been earned and a world where things that need to die would be allowed to die.

Wagner James Au

Fixed the revenue number, my bad! From everything we know, only a fraction of the people who cash out that $60M make a living from SL, tho.

Ciaran Laval

Drax was producing the Drax Files before Linden Lab sponsored the series.

Drax and Linden Lab have both been open and upfront about the relationship.

"This sponsorship has no impact on Draxtor’s editorial independence; we’re not taking control or trying to dictate what stories are told or how they’re presented in the series, nor does our agreement have any impact on his other work (his podcast, for example). What our sponsorship does mean is that Draxtor will be able to continue to produce new episodes of The Drax Files: World Makers series each month, which we can all enjoy and which Linden Lab can use in support of our Second Life marketing efforts."



6 people making 10 million dollars each
60 people making a million each
600 making $100,000 dollars each
6,000 making $10,000 each
60,000 making $1,000 each
600,000 making $100 each


with 900,000 uniques a month then

60,000,000 / 900,000 / 12 = $5.55 each a month


i would like to know who is getting my about $5 each month. bc I don't make anything myself

but if I did then I could buy a yearly Premium with it, and get a 540m, and another $5 a month L$ allowance



Jealous much Hamlet?

Issa Heckroth

Its the way of the world these days, isnt it? Nobody wants to be called a Shill. They are a "Freelance product expert who are passionate about people expressing themselves". Yeah!



Look. If LL wants to hire fools like Drax or Ciaran then let em. After all, their efforts have done nothing to increase their business after all which is another sign that the company is run by people who consistently make bad business decisions.

But this is America. Fools need to eat too.

Hector Cuprill, Jr., Esq.

Problems: a "laggy" slow moving world needing a NASA grade computer to run SL software, the steep learning curve, plus its business model is more like Compuserve right before the consumer www--no push for OpenGL/or 3-D inter-connectivity among virtual world platforms. All of these factors will contribute to the "land barons" of SL starvation to death . . . Short run theory: I believe that LL is investing in infrastructure (buying new servers, techs, contract specialists, engineers) to make themselves more sexy to a possible offer by one of the big threes--just like it happened with Cloud Party, Oculus, and Minecraft. For now, they will have to compete for Dollar attention being spent on GTAV Online, Garry's Mod, Roblox, Skyrim, PlanetSide 2, and so on . . . LL is stuck in a snake eating its tail kind of status role and away from any sign of a possible "IPO."

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