This is a man from Kenya with the Live and Learn in Kenya NGO, thanking the Second Life virtual community for helping raise funds to build real schools in his country:
This is the fundraiser he's talking about, a seriously awesome, 3 day event in SL with live music, DJs, and auctions, all virtual Linden Dollar proceeds converted into cash, then sent across the world to become actual schools for actual children. The extravaganza is here in Stargazer Bay.
The live auction portion starts today in a couple hours! Come bid on:
Canary Beck, TeenaMarie Bressig, Sina Souza (Sinalein Resident), Caitlin Tobias, Mericat Ireland, Anderian Sugarplum, Roman Godde, Lisa Brune, Bcreative Wilde, Dusty Wasp,
Aeonix Aeon, Maggie Mae Bhaktiguru (Any1 Gynoid), Toxic Darkmatter, Arduenn Schwartzman, TerryLynn Melody, Inara Pey, Isla Gealach, Freestar Tammas, Garnet Psaltery,
Chloe Seljan, Sabbian Paine, Synitry Resident, Leetx Resident, Gabrielle Riel, Imre Bellic, Tzaryna Gracemount, Kiana Writer, Trinity Yazimoto, Levio Serenity, Kess Crystal,
ayla Barzane, Draxtor Despres, Jo Yardley, Kush Zepp, Octagons Yazimoto, emery milneaux, katharine mcginnis, irrie Ember, Yelena Istmal, Panda (Pandagroov Windstorm),
Tab Tatham, EvanKeel Resident, Saffia Widdershins, Brique Topaz, Kara Trapdoor, Jessica Lyon, Sufferingfrom Lockjaw (Leannan Wolfgang), Dita Lamour(DitaLamour Resident), Poulet Koenkamp, Deepert Resident, Tracy Redangel, Johannes1977 Resident, Twostep Spiritweaver, Josie Anderton, PinkRayne, christope magic, Esme Capelo, Jenica Penucca, Harper Beresford, Callie Cline, Alexa Linden, Xiola Linden, Cacilia McMasters, Ava Jhamin, winteru9 resident and RacerX gullwing.
Posted by: Levio Serenity | Sunday, September 27, 2015 at 07:09 AM