Strawberry Singh has the details on a cool SL-based campaign to help with the horrible Syrian refugee crisis: Buy this virtual tank top (above) featuring some really beautiful original art evoking the crisis, and all Linden Dollar proceeds are turned into RL cash that's donated to the World Food Programme. (Other fashions are available.) Looks like the fashions are only available in-world, not on the SL Marketplace: Click here to teleport to the SL kiosk.
If you use a third part SL viewer, here's the map link to copy/paste:
There's video of refugees throwing away food and water given to them and now you have someone taking up money for this cause? How about no.
Posted by: tedious woo | Friday, September 25, 2015 at 02:29 PM
Tedious Woo, this is the biggest humanitarian crisis since the Second World War. One suspect video you may be quoting does not cancel out the thousands of other images we have seen of suffering, hunger and poverty. If you want to support some other cause, go for it, but negativity from people sitting in their cosy houses in front of their computers is not helpful to anyone. It could so easily have been any one of us in different circumstances. Seductive Dreamscape.
Posted by: sedi dreamscape | Saturday, September 26, 2015 at 12:17 AM
@ Sedi
80% of these are grown able bodied men who are able to join the Syrian army & fight terrorists instead they flee to Europe for welfare
What does Allah say about the men who flee the land allowing evil & djinn to rule with an iron corrupted fist while the mothers and daughters be raped and sold off into slavery & baby's burned alive in trashcans.
with myself behind the computer as an armchair judge too.. 'but what i can tell you is if terrorists invaded America or even Canada or Mexico the men in my family would gear up to help defend our extended neighbors.
Posted by: Littlewing | Saturday, September 26, 2015 at 09:13 PM
It's the United States that's responsibible.
You invaded Iraq!
You overthrew secular leaders throughout the middle east!
You support the Saudis, who are funding the terrorists - just like they did on 9/11!
It is YOU!
Then you want to pretend like you're helping.
Posted by: Amy | Monday, September 28, 2015 at 12:10 AM