New World Notes is open to exclusive Media Partnerships with select companies, organizations, and individuals doing compelling work in virtual worlds, virtual/augmented reality, gaming, and other immersive technology with projects and offerings that would interest NWN readers. The longest running blog focused on Second Life (launched in 2003), NWN is often featured on Boing Boing, Kotaku, and other major blogs, and has been cited by media outlets including the New York Times, the BBC, and the Washington Post. If you'd like to discuss this opportunity, contact me: wjamesau at well dot com. A typical partnership might look like this:
- A permanent 125x125 ad during an EIGHT WEEK PERIOD (displayed under the "NWN Partners" section at the top left column)
- A weekly post I'll write linking readers to your site, for 8 posts in all.
- One post I'll write announcing the partnership (and linking to your site), at start of Partnership
- Four links on my main social media channels through the eight week period on Twitter (about 5500 followers), Facebook (about 1200 followers), and Plurk (about 1000 followers) to the survey.
Read this case study of an NWN media partnership with RTI, a non-profit research organization. Typically, clickthroughs for a Media Partner ad on NWN are 400-600 a month. Rates are highly competitive, based on page views. (NWN gets about 100K pageviews a month, with about 20-30K monthly visitors.)
Again, contact me to discuss your plans: wjamesau at well dot com.
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