"Japanese streamer Daasuke took a break from playing Minecraft to show off his new oil-match lighter," reports Kotaku. "That’s when things got bad. Real bad." Specifically, at about 4:45 min -- after which, it rapidly goes from bad to worse:
The child-like digital voice you hear, by the way, is connected to the IM text stream on this guy's video feed, which someone on Reddit helpfully translated:
- "Behind you. Behind you. Look Behind you."
- "The fire extinguisher. Use the fire extinguisher."
- "Call 119" (Japanese 911)
- "Don't you have a futon (thin Japanese mattress) you can put on it?"
According to translations of early Japan news reports, the Minecraft streamer and his family (he lived with his parents) are injured but fortunately alive, though their house is now largely gone. Two thoughts jump out at me, watching this:
The dude actually takes the time out of his leisurely, amateur fire-fighting schedule to turn off the IM chat from his Minecraft stream viewers. And also, if he was fighting a fire that threatened his Minecraft house, he'd immediately know how to save it, and instantly do so.
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The next person who tells us we're too absorbed with Second Life will get this waved at them. We don't do this.
Posted by: Patchouli Woollahra | Monday, October 05, 2015 at 09:51 PM
When the 500 pound body of a friend was found in his rat's-nest of a hoader-house by the EMTs, friends discovered that the guy's last act was to log out from Left For Dead, a game he played obsessively at Steam.
That's how we all found out; his friends at Steam called us when he did not show up for the Friday-night team play.
Houston, we have a global problem, from texting zombies to smoldering Minecrafters. Sherry Turkle is right.
I'd have taken a sledge hammer to my friend's computer, but he'd have shot me.
Posted by: Iggy | Wednesday, October 07, 2015 at 11:38 AM