This video is pretty juvenile AF, but seeing as we were just discussing Second Life's ambient sounds, it's a perfect illustration of a point I was making then: Overwhelmingly, the soundscape of Second Life is streaming music and voice chat. And, of course, troll noises. But somewhat ironically, the voice chat can be just as intrusive and disruptive as irksome honks and fart noises, because you don't just hear voices, but every other noise being picked up by the users' microphones:
For instance, I once worked on an art project in Second Life which was being featured in a renowned real life gallery, and during the live event, you could totally hear an SL user who was there while in real life, loudly eating dinner out of a bowl, all of our immersion broken by the ting-ting-ting of her fork hitting the bowl, and her cud-chewing sounds. I would have preferred she just brought out a virtual air horn, which would have at least felt more organic.
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For every sucessful troll video you see, there were hundreds more where they simply got kicked instantly without an "entertaining" vid to post to YouTube.
Posted by: Adeon Writer | Wednesday, November 04, 2015 at 04:55 PM