Yes, this was sponsored by Verizon as a marketing gimmick, but that just means it's one of the few (only?) cool things Verizon has been involved with:
In the world of Minecraft, almost everything is made of blocks. We’ve created a web application, Boxel, that translates real web pages and streaming video into blocks so they can be built on a Minecraft server in real time. Our server plugin uses Boxel-client to handle the communication between Minecraft and the real world as translated by the web application. We’ve open-sourced these libraries — so if you can write a little code, you can try it for yourself.
More on that here. Has anyone done anything like this in Second Life? Somewhat related is this -- Awesome Kinect Hack Links Real World Facial Expression to Dynamic Sculpture in Second Life -- but can't recall a more similar video/telephony hack.
Hat tip: Patricia Hernandez at Kotaku.
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