Valentine's Day is coming, and with it a sale at Ample Avi that promises to offer some phenomenal bargains.
As regular readers are hopefully well aware, NWN sponsoring partner Ample Avi is a Second Life shape store specializing in avatar shapes with natural proportions and measurements. There are a variety of shapes to choose from including curvy and plus-sized figures, more petite builds, and just about everything in between, ensuring that there's something that just about everyone can appreciate in stock.
So here's how the sale works: Much like last year's Valentine's Day sale, Ample Avi designer Xme Xue will be placing a rose on the vendor for one of her shapes at her in-world mainstore location in Pryeri [teleport link].
The shape with the rose on it will be discounted to just L$100 for a limited time, until Xme moves the rose onto another vendor and brings its price down instead, while the previously discounted vendor will return to full price. Considering that the average price of an Ample Avi shape (modify and copy enabled, of course) is L$1500 this sale is pretty dang substantial.
The event starts on Friday the 12th and closes on Valentine's Day, which should give eager shoppers ample opportunity (get it?) to duck in and out as Xme rotates the rose around her shop.
Of course if you're not in the market for a deal but would like to browse Ample Avi's line, be sure to check out what their Second Life Marketplace storefront has to offer.