If you're a movie geek, you'll want to click here to visit a full-scale recreation of Casablanca from the classic film of the same name. Built by Sommer Shepherd and TracyLynne Carpenter, I gave it a quick visit last night and was seriously impressed by the level of detail and fidelity to the film's locations. I couldn't get into Rick's Place, which seems to be locked up at the moment. (Under curfew, like in the movie?) And as the above suggests, there's even the runway with a departing plane where you can reenact the most famous scene in cinema:
Unfortunately I couldn't find the phone for the next great scene, where Bogie straight caps a Nazi officer. Anyway, read about this impressive build and see more pics of it here.
Also: Bonus points for Casablanca cosplay pics, if anyone wants to send them my way!
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