The VR industry might not know how to categorize High Fidelity, but High Fidelity does -- an open source platform capable of accommodating hackathons. In fact, the company's holding a hackathon this April 29 - May 1st in San Francisco:
The focus of the hackathon will be the creation of innovative, socially interactive VR spaces using the High Fidelity software. We expect this hackathon to be the first in a series of events introducing the High Fidelity software to the VR developer community.
That landing page even comes with a boilerplate description of what High Fidelity is, and it's very much not a social VR experience first and foremost:
High Fidelity is an open-source software platform that lets you create multi-user, editable, virtual reality spaces on your own home computer or cloud server.
But as we've discussed before, I'm not sure how this makes High Fidelity truly and excitingly unique in the VR market -- as opposed to, say, Amazon Lumberyard.
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